Gain valuable insights from our coaches any time

When you don't have time for a full day of coaching...
When traveling to one of our courses won't work for your schedule--or budget...
When you did attend a course and now want thoughts on how you're progressing...
Our video reviews are convenient, timely, and cost-effective
Perhaps you need help with a specific presentation or want some general feedback on your speaking style.
A video review can be a cost-effective, convenient tool for addressing specific speaking challenges or for ongoing improvement.
A Buckley coach will study the clip you provide and give personalized guidance, much as we do in our seminars and private coaching sessions.
We'll tell you:
- What's working well for you
- What's getting in the way
- How to make specific changes to improve this message
- How to improve delivery every time you speak
Our written feedback includes suggestions for:
- Creating a more influential message for your target audience
- Choosing the most powerful words and phrasing
- Moving toward a speaking style that's expressive, dynamic, and controlled
- Using eye contact, body language, and gestures that support your goals
- Appearing more confident and professional in your delivery